What if I told you that there was actually no such thing as self-doubt?

What if I told you that there was actually no such thing as self-doubt? 

And that self-doubt is actually a misinterpretation of something else happening on a deeper subconscious level.

When we “doubt ourselves”, what is actually going on is that we are becoming aware of a schism within our psyche.

There is one part of us that is empathically matching the energies of those around us, or the collective field.

And then there is another part of us that is deeply rooted in the intelligence of the soul.

And the “doubt” is the tension that we feel between these two parts of ourselves – the part of us that is matching the energy of others, and the part of us that is rooted in our inner knowing.

So when we “doubt” ourselves, what is really happening is there is a part of us that feels safer staying energetically entrained to the frequency of others, rather than going forth autonomously to embody our deeper knowing.

So it’s not so much a matter of “doubting”, as it is more of a matter of wanting to feel safe.

When I’m working with someone who is struggling with self-doubt, when I tune in to their subconscious, in most cases, it actually feels like the doubt is never the real issue.

It’s always more of a matter of not feeling safe to act on what they know to be true deep down.

Subconsciously, they fear that if they courageously acted on the intelligence of their soul, then they would be misperceived, judged, and ultimately persecuted.

The reason that they fear persecution is because their act of courage would actually disrupt the status quo of the belief systems of those around them.

So they feel safer continuing to stay in a position of matching the energy of others, rather than radiating the deeper knowing of their True Self.

So they are struggling to feel safe while simultaneously acting from the deeper knowing of the soul.

And then they innocently tell themselves that they are doubting themselves, as a story to hide behind. 

But as they tell themselves that they’re doubting themselves, they’re not actually addressing the deeper need that is wanting to be acknowledged.

Because the soul actually has no doubts.

The soul is intimately connected with Source (God), which is why it has such a profound knowing about how it is being called to evolve and express.

Only the conditioned self has doubts, because it feels safe and validated through matching the energy of others.

Now, when we become aware of this, then we can stop hiding behind the story of “self-doubt” that we tell ourselves, and address the deeper need that is calling our attention – which is the need to feel safe in embodying the expression of the soul.

When we do this, then we acknowledge that deep down we actually DO know exactly what we’re being called to act on, from the most authentic aspect of our being.

Once again, the soul does not doubt.

The soul simply knows.

And from here, we can start to learn of true safety, which comes from being rooted in our intuition, and rooted in God, rather than trying to find false safety through energetically matching those around us. 

When we try to find false safety through energetically matching others, then we become a diminished expression of the incredible masterwork that we were each destined to become.

So the false safety is not worth it.

And to be honest, if you’re looking for true safety in this world through trying to secure your place in it, you’re never going to truly find it.

Because true safety is not of this world.

True safety only comes from God. 

And so with all of this, we can allow self-doubt to become the entryway into true courage, strength, conviction, and ultimately the greatest freedom that we will ever come to know.