We will never come into true autonomy without facing rejection from others.

We will never come into true autonomy without facing rejection from others.

We will never know the depth and strength of our character, without facing rejection from others.

And we will never know what it means to embrace the unique beauty of our soul’s expression without facing rejection from others.

If we avoid rejection, then we avoid our own autonomy. 

Rejection is a purifying force that frees us from the subconscious desire to bend our souls’ natural expression for the sake of appeasing another’s idea of us. 

With that being said, facing rejection is one of the most liberating experiences that we will ever undergo, and it puts us into direct contact with the unique language of the soul.

And yet, rejection is one of the things that people fear more than anything.

When we don’t allow ourselves to go through the proper initiation of facing rejection from others, then we subconsciously internalize rejection as a way of trying to avoid it externally.

This is where self-rejection comes from.

When someone is experiencing self-rejection, subconsciously they are trying to reject themselves first before anyone else can do it in their external world. And they believe (unconsciously) that doing this will protect them from the pain of facing rejection from another. In this, they fabricate a protective false persona that matches the ideals that other people “wish” them to be, at the expense of allowing themselves to embody the authentic expression of their soul.

This creates a schism within their psyche, and they become unconsciously ruled by the parts of themselves that they’ve rejected.

For example:

If a man rejects his innate masculinity at the expense of appeasing others, then he will become unconsciously ruled by it through attracting women that embody his repressed masculinity, and thus create co-dependent and abusive relationships that reflect his internal imbalance.

So in other words, he will manifest relationships that become the external expression of his own internal entrapment. 

This man’s life will become ruled by the very aspects of himself that he rejects. 

So he must go through a process of taking ownership over those rejected aspects, learn to embody them, and face rejection externally to integrate the integrity of his own self-autonomy.

So, one way or another we MUST face rejection. 

If we don’t properly allow ourselves to face rejection externally from others, then we are doomed to internalizing it.

This is because the soul understands that rejection is the gateway into freedom.

And this is because the soul understands that we can’t have true autonomy without actually confronting it.

The soul is determined that we face rejection one way or another, because it knows that its power is on the other side of it.

So in this, facing rejection helps us to break our attachments to how other people perceive us, which brings us into more direct contact with the reality of who we actually are.

It helps us to give up the false world that has been fabricated of people’s projections, so that we may enter into God’s world, and understand the depth of how unconditionally loved and accepted we’ve always been.

It breaks our addiction to what is unreal, that we may invest ourselves into what is actually Real.