We reside within the cathedral of our own soul.

With being a teacher/student of intuition, I am fascinated with studying the way that consciousness communicates between the various layers of the psyche. 

I make it a daily practice of intentionally utilizing this ability (that we all have), of opening the channels of my awareness to receiving inner guidance. 

I use this guidance to track the elaborate structure of my soul’s journey, so that I may live in accord with the intelligent pulse of life that flows through me. 

To be a “hollow reed”, I guess you could say. 

Through studying this inner communication, I have come to understand that the soul has a highly-developed geometric structure to it.

It is very similar to the way that the architecture of a cathedral is composed of perfect symmetry, with elaborate mystical symbolism spoken through the mandalas of stained-glass and ancient stone. 

Our life is this sacred architecture, and we reside within the cathedral of our own soul.

The intelligent and synchronistic orchestration of our experiences are the limestone bricks that stack upon one another, to reveal this mysterious edifice of Spirit. 

And there is holy text artfully written across the walls, along with illumined stained-glass depictions of angelic guides whose halos radiate knowledge from worlds beyond what the body’s eyes can see. 

And all of this exists both within the structure of our own psyche, as well what surrounds us as the living world that we reside in. 

Because the truth is, the veil between our inner and outer life is nothing more than a mirage, a thin veneer of the idea that separation might actually exist, that there might be some little fence that separates us off from the rest of life. A funny little thought, huh?

So, I do my best to nurture a very intimate relationship with my intuition, just as I would with a lover or close friend, so that I may understand the nature of this intelligent design that I dwell within, and that dwells within me. 

Because life is a language. 

And intuition is the translator of this language between the various layers of the psyche.

One of the things that I’ve learned through studying the geometry of the soul, is that:

Contrast is integral to the perfect balance and symmetry of our experience. 

When I tune-in intuitively to a client, I can often “read” the ebb and flow of their soul lessons as if I am looking at sine waves, which correlates to cycles of contrasting experiences. I have spoken with other professional intuitives who read these energetic patterns in very similar ways. 

This has taught me that intuition isn’t just about abstractly receiving information from the ethers – but that it actually correlates to understanding very specific patterns of soul development.

Once you understand the patterns, you can make “predictions” based off of the algorithms of how the soul grows and develops. 

Much of intuition is about pattern recognition, and about understanding the higher levels of connectivity that bind all things and experiences together.  

So with regards to contrast – the soul intentionally weaves us through polarizing experiences so that we can gain understanding of the center point that unifies all opposites. 

This is why our deepest wounds and our greatest gifts are bound together by a mysterious underlying force. And this is why the brokenness of our humanity exists right alongside the perfection of our Divinity. 

Because there is a point of singularity that our life is orbiting around.

Through this process of oscillating between opposites, our conditioned judgements eventually become neutralized by an embodied knowledge that Union is the True Nature of Reality, and that the Divine pulses through all things – in spite of what is labeled as good or bad.

This weaving between opposites eventually breaks down our concepts of “other”, and we are gradually drawn closer to the Self at the center of all polarity.

When we exile anything through our judgments  – whether it be our experiences, another person, or a part of ourselves  – it is actually ourselves that we exile.

And even though there is a universal blueprint to this oscillation pattern, we each undergo this learning in very unique, nuanced, and specifically arranged ways, depending on the specific themes that the soul is exploring.

So, this dance of polarity is ultimately teaching us that Union is at the heart of everything that exists.

And that God is present in all things.

This is what Christ was referring to, as written in this cryptic passage in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas:

(22) “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall you enter [the Kingdom].”

He was referring to the singularity at the center of all polarities. 

He was speaking of the perfect symmetry that binds everything, and makes them One. 

And the beautiful thing about this, is that we are each miraculous walking expressions of this knowledge, whether we are aware of it or not, and our very lives are the mandalas of stained-glass within the sanctified cathedral of the Soul.