Love will teach you how to listen.

One of the most beautiful (and important) things that I recently heard about intuition:

“It is love that will teach you how to listen.”

Without love, we cannot truly listen to another.

And without love, we cannot even truly listen to ourselves.

Love must first be present before any real communication (or listening) can occur, even if no words are ever actually spoken.

If love is not present, then any attempt at real communication is automatically lost. 

I find this fascinating, because when we typically think of communication, we think of the words being used, the inflections in vocal tone, the subtle movements of body language, facial expression, emotion, and even telepathy and dream communication. 

But, we often don’t acknowledge the deeper foundation upon which any authentic communication takes place – love. 

(And we wonder why there is such a communication break between so many pockets of our society)

As a simple example of this, when you have love for a plant or an animal – you can literally “hear” what they need and how to care for them, even though there is no verbal communication taking place. There is a communication happening on more subtle levels, and it is our love for the being before us that becomes our ears to hearing the voice speaking through this deeper language. 

So tying this into intuition – the most important thing to know about learning how to listen intuitively, whether working with another, or with listening to your own inner voice – is cultivating love towards who or what you are listening to.

This is because love is the foundation to opening you up to deeper levels of inner hearing, and the more you deepen into love, the more you strengthen your ability to listen in increasingly more subtle and detailed ways. 

So, having love for someone is like opening a doorway into a whole dimension of information about who someone is – what they need, what they are going through, the of texture and tonal quality of their unique essence, and what they are actually telling you from the core of who they are, beyond what is spoken through words. 

But you can’t access that dimension of someone’s being (or your own being) without first opening the “doorway”.

And what does it even mean to “love” someone? 

(Because God knows our concepts around love can be prone to a tremendous amount of distortion – codependency, lack of boundaries, wanting someone to fit our needs, romantic fantasy, etc) 

It means to understand your innate Oneness with them.

To understand that you are fundamentally joined at the deepest level of your being, regardless of differences in politics, ideology, belief systems, personal history, etc. 

Somebody can change “political identities” multiple times over, and no matter what side of the fence they sit on compared to you, it will never change the fact that you are connected to that person at the very core of who you are. 

And nothing in this world will ever change the Reality of you being joined with all things at the deepest part of you.

So, if we are to effectively communicate and listen (intuitively) to each other, we must lead with the understanding of our shared essence, and put that first before everything else. 

And love is the awareness of this shared essence.

And this shared essence is not some abstract and nebulous ephemeral thing, it is actually a very conscious and self-aware higher form of intelligence that we are all a part of, just as individual cells make up the organs of the body.

When we traverse the various layers of the mind, from the conscious mind, to the subconscious and to the unconscious, we discover that there is One Mind (One Self) that binds us all together.

And love is literally this One Mind waking up in you.

And this shared essence is the grounds upon which any and all real communication (or listening) takes place. 

In fact, we would not even have the ability to communicate with each other at all if we were not already joined. 

So communication (on the deepest level) is an evolutionary attempt to actualize and return back to our original state of this shared One Mind.

And as we evolve, our modalities of communication will evolve along with us into more sophisticated ways of connecting with each other. 

And once again, this evolution into higher forms of communication begins with love. 

Without love, there is no communication – only some foreign alien language where the words that seem to be spoken hold no meaning.

It’s like if we are building an architectural masterpiece, like a cathedral, then love would be the foundation upon which our structure of higher communication (intuitive listening) would be built.

And for me, this is why the study of intuition holds my interest so much, because it’s SO much more than just developing “psychically” or “reading energy”, but on a larger scale, this is about our whole species taking this journey together into operating as One organism, rather than a bunch of seemingly separate parts. 

And as our species evolves through the process of merging our consciousness, we open ourselves to these higher forms of communication. 

This is where our study of intuition is ultimately leading us.

Right now, we see intuition through the lens of our current paradigm. 

But beyond our current paradigm, intuition becomes a study into these higher forms of communication (and listening) that are integral to the evolutionary process of actualizing our innate Oneness, which is the ground of Reality that we stand upon. 

And at the very heart and center of all of it, is the love that we have for one another.