“The Wheel of Relationship”

Lately, I have been feeling inspired to make art that serves as symbolic and hieroglyphic representations of concepts that have showed up in my writings and talks (to go in my book).

This piece is a visual representation of a dictated talk that I gave a few years ago in Mendocino, CA. 

In this talk, I spoke about how consciousness uses an algorithm to evolve itself, much like a piece of computer software. This algorithm consists of consciousness learning how to achieve balance in relationship with other, and then once it achieves balance, then evolves by expanding its capacity to operate within an even greater web of relationship. 

Evolution is the mastery of relationship. 

We see this in biological life, with the progression from single celled organisms, to multi-celled organisms of ever-increasing complexity. 

As humans, we have certain qualities that make us “evolved”, compared to other forms of life. This mostly consists of our intellect, and our wide emotional capacity. The reason why we have these qualities, is for the purpose of navigating the nuances of highly complex systems of relationship – with ourselves as individuals, with each other as a community, with our environment, with time, etc…

So, we evolve through becoming skilled at finding the point of equilibrium, the point of balance, within relationships. Learning how to achieve balance in our relationships is literally at the precipice of our evolution.

I actually believe that “love” can be understood in the terms of balance. I believe we can take this abstract concept, and understand it mathematically and geometrically.

For example, if you “love” your body, you are actively bringing it into a state of balance. Or, if you are in a genuinely “loving” partnership, there will be a healthy reciprocity and balance between both people.  Another example, you “love” and accept yourself, when you equally embrace all the parts of yourself, creating an internal balance of archetypes. 

So, once again, we evolve through the mastery of relationship. This is the “algorithm” of consciousness. 

The golden being in the center represents the indwelling seed of the Divine that is the spark of consciousness. It propels evolution through recognizing itself in other, and through finding balance within relationship. The 4 circles around the golden being represent the different types of relationship that grow us over the course of our lives. 

The bottom circle represents our relationship with ourselves. How we relate to our bodies, our minds, and our unique psychology. As individuals, we are an entire universe in and of ourselves. And there are so many complex elements and nuances to how we relate to ourselves. 

For me personally, the most important aspect of how we relate to ourselves is how we speak to ourselves when no-one else is around. What we tell ourselves on a daily basis, is the foundation for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. I believe that when we speak positively to ourselves, we are inspired to take genuinely loving care of ourselves.

The left circle represents romantic relationship. It represents those holy and tender moments where we experience ourselves through the eyes of another, as we vulnerably merge our bodies, hearts, and souls. We bear the totality of ourselves to another in a way that is intimate and exposed. No other type of relationship offers this level of depth and vulnerability. Not to mention the ongoing balancing act between the polarities – physically, emotionally and spiritually. This intimate balancing act catalyzes tremendous evolution in our lives. 

The top circle represents family, friends, and the wider community. In the context of family and community, we learn how to be of service. How to provide, nurture, and care for one another. We learn about our unique gifts and attributes, and how we can give these parts of ourselves in a way that enlivens both ourselves and others. In this, we learn of our unique “niche” within the tribe. And we learn through our engagement with others, where every person offers us a unique gift of insight, perspective, and talent. 

The circle to the right represents our relationship to all of Creation. It represents our relationship to nature, to the cosmos, and to our Creator. We have a  very deep and intimate relationship with the sun, the moon, the earth, the waters, and the stars. And as we deepen in our connection to the whole of life, veils become removed from our eyes, and we see everything anew. We learn the depth of our true nature through the realization of our oneness with all of life. We realize that it is impossible for us to be alone, even in the midst of our deepest moments of solitude. 

And most importantly we learn of our oneness with our Creator. 

It is through these four aspects of relationship where we learn to see ourselves in other, through a multiplicity of ways. And thus, it is how we evolve. 

So, I leave you with this question:

In what ways are you being called to step into greater balance within your relationships?

Your answer to this is the precipice of your personal evolution.