“The Treasure Within”

This piece is a prayer. A statement of devotion. A promise to myself, and to the Creator.

It is a promise to devote my life to what I know to be true in the deepest corridors of my being – that there is a profound treasure that lives within all of us.

All evolutionary patterns serve one function – to call forth this treasure from deep within you.

The reenactment of every trauma, every season and circumstance of your life, and every relationship to come and go – everything revolves around helping you bring forth the gift that lives deep inside of you.

This piece is a symbol of this. The golden being with the halo in the center represents the treasure within, while the circle that surrounds him represents the wholeness that it brings.

The squares surrounding the circle symbolize different scenes from the journey of life, encompassing different seasons, circumstances and relationships – all of which revolve around the treasure that rests in the center.

When we come into harmony with the intention to bring forth the gift that lives within the core of our being, we come back into harmony with the rest of existence. We return home. This is how we are healed. This is how we are made whole.

This piece symbolizes a fundamental universal law. It also represents for me personally, a deep commitment and devotion.