The Intuitive Development Lifestyle Container

This long-term weekly container takes psychic and intuitive development to the next level. 

This container is aimed at helping you to strengthen your intuitive abilities, hear the voice of your Higher Self, and to integrate your intuitive awareness into a long-term practice that supports you in living an inspired, creative, and soul-centered life. 

You will be thoroughly educated and supported in your intuitive and psychic development, and you will also be mentored into grounding these practices into your everyday experience.

After several years of doing intuitive readings, teaching classes on intuitive development, and working with people 1-on-1 with intuitive mentorship, I have gained SUCH a plethora of information around the fascinating and sacred journey of intuitive development. 

But one of the things that I have noticed, is that people often open the door to intuitive development, or communicating with their guides and Higher Self – but they struggle to fully integrate it into their lives and long-term practices. People have a hard time continuing to trust their intuition, and to live by it.

And intuitive development is so much more than just a psychic 101 class. It is about cultivating a healthy long-term relationship with you Inner Guide – the One who is always with you, no matter who or what comes and goes in your life. Your relationship with your intuition is truly your primary and most important relationship. 

For me, intuition has become a major part of the way I live, and I allow my intuition to inform and guide me in every area of my life. Just as sight or smell is second nature – so is my intuitive awareness. 

Your life changes drastically when you know how to listen. 

Learning to develop my intuition has been the single most valuable thing that I ever could have done for myself, both practically and spiritually.

And not just for giving intuitive readings and having a career as an intuitive, but for the overall quality of my life.  

This container is perfect for both those wanting to live a more connected, creative and intuitively led life, AND for those who are interested in giving readings and launching their own career as an intuitive (or those that want to incorporate more intuitive awareness into their healing practice).

In this container you will:

  • Learn the mechanics of how psychic and intuitive ability works 
  • Learn how to channel
  • Connect with your guides on a regular basis
  • Be given practical exercises to strengthen your intuition
  • Have a safe container to practice and develop your intuitive abilities
  • Deepen your Self-trust
  • Receive weekly 90-minute mentorship sessions
  • Receive support in launching your own intuitive / healing practice
  • Receive channeled guidance
  • Receive support with your soul’s unique themes of development
  • Learn to use your intuition to solve problems and overcome obstacles
  • Cultivate a deeper relationship with your Higher Self
  • Connect with your Inner Genius
  • Learn to ground your intuition into your daily life
  • Receive a full channeled reading from myself once every 3 months
  • Deepen your relationship with God/Spirit/Source. 

$2,100 for 3 months (12 sessions)

$4,100 for 6 months (24 sessions)

$8,100 for 12 months (48 session)

*There is also the option to meet bi-monthly, instead of every week at a modified price*

  • To register for The Lifestyle Container email with “Lifestyle Container” as the email subject.