“Devotion To The Love of Self”

I often create works of art that serve as energetic medicine, to remedy what I may be going through on an intimate personal level, knowing that that is what will contribute most directly to our collective healing. 

I created this piece as I was processing drastic changes occurring in my personal life, where I found myself in a very deep period of inner turmoil and confusion.

I often turn to my creativity to process and alchemize my shadows. When I paint, it becomes a sacred space for me for connect deeply with myself, to find my center and receive the guidance that I need. So I went to that inner sanctuary of color, light, and form to extract medicine to assist me. This piece is the result.

What was being asked of me, was to strengthen my devotion to loving myself the way that no-one else ever could. To alchemize my weaknesses into strengths, and to look upon the parts of myself that I have attempted to reject through the eyes of unwavering compassion. To see myself more deeply when I have felt invisible in the midst of others. To transmute my loneliness into a deeper relationship with the part of me joined with all things. And to become an angel first unto my self, so that I may embody that for the world around me. 

I created this piece to materialize this intention. 

The arch around the being symbolizes their inherit holiness, with its satined-glass and cathedral-like effect. The sunrise behind them symbolizes the light of perfect love awakening within the individual, and the golden beings on either side represent our support from the worlds beyond. The circle represents wholeness, and the beings holding hands on the bottom represent the world of sacred praise we are in the midst of creating together. It carries the memory of our ancient future. 

Even though my work carries a colorful and playful ambiance to it, for me, it is profoundly shamanic and transformative. It is alchemizing, symbolizing a deep and heart-felt intention to heal, not only myself, but others through the illuminating light of perfect love. It depicts a journey, a story, of the most epic proportion – the revelation of who we truly are.