Seeing others as they are.

Lately, I have been making it a practice to see others more deeply, free from my own projections of them.

When I am not blinded by the hypnotic trance of my physical eyes, focused on their bodies or outer appearances, I am able to see them through an inner vision. And ironically, I can see them more clearly.  

Free of judgement. Free of the associations from my conditioning. Free of anything that I desire them to be, in order to meet some shallow and imaginary need of my own. 

As I allow my vision to be reoriented,  I am able see others more as they are.

And in their eyes, I see layers of them. 

The eyes hide nothing. 

In a split second, I see through layers of personality into the depths of the soul.

I see their burdens, and their silent struggles that go unexpressed. I see the insecurities that they try to keep secret from others, and the bravado that they hide behind. I see the persona they present to the world, and I see the parts of themselves that remain shrouded and tucked away. I see the parts of them that they don’t reveal to others, let alone themselves. And in their eyes, I see the battles raging between angels and demons happening within their innermost thoughts. 

And that is just the surface. 

Within the same split second of looking into their eyes, I see an innocence. An innocence so pure and child-like, that it shatters me to my core. It breaks me open to the fragility of life. To the sacredness of every breath. A shocking yet soft reminder that we are only with each other for a moment. So make the moment count. 

And in their innocence, I see the secrets of their soul. I see the treasures buried that they have yet to uncover. Their hidden genius. Their secret sainthood. Their sanctified spark of anointed praise. 

I see something Holy. 

I see something familiar, as if I have known them forever. 

And I sense that we share a Home with each other. A Home not of this world. 

And within the same split second, I see a kingdom of radiant light shining from behind their eyes. I see entire worlds of ephemeral glowing beauty, living deep within them, remaining untouched and pure, in spite of the ideas they hold of themselves. I see their resurrection. Little do they know, that they contain everything they are looking for. 

They are the food from which they will never go hungry. 

They are the waters from which they will never thirst. 

The only mistake they have ever made, was not seeing who they truly were. 

But I see who they are.

I will see them fully, until they see themselves. 

And I will hold my memory of them in the forefront of my awareness, until they are able to remember on their own. 

And it is only in my remembrance of them, where I remember myself. 

How could this be any other way? 

The eyes of another are mirrors into my innermost self. The pain that they carry is something of my own. Their fears and insecurities I have faced as my own greatest hurdles. The loneliness, the confusion, the heartbreak, the disarray – I know all of it. I recognize it in others, because it is familiar. It lives within myself. 

And their innocence, their love, their hidden genius – they are also something of my own. The only reason why I can feel the depth of their love, is because I feel it coursing from within my own heart. How else could I feel it, if it wasn’t already alive in me? 

And their hidden genius is my own brilliance that plays hide and seek. If I honor and nurture it within them, then I cultivate it within myself. I can be the space through which they come out of hiding. 

All within the split second of looking into their eyes.

The eyes hide nothing. 

Because it is the same Self that looks back at us through the eyes of another. 

And if it is the same Self, then how could anything be truly hidden?

“The Wheel of Relationship”

Lately, I have been feeling inspired to make art that serves as symbolic and hieroglyphic representations of concepts that have showed up in my writings and talks (to go in my book).

This piece is a visual representation of a dictated talk that I gave a few years ago in Mendocino, CA. 

In this talk, I spoke about how consciousness uses an algorithm to evolve itself, much like a piece of computer software. This algorithm consists of consciousness learning how to achieve balance in relationship with other, and then once it achieves balance, then evolves by expanding its capacity to operate within an even greater web of relationship. 

Evolution is the mastery of relationship. 

We see this in biological life, with the progression from single celled organisms, to multi-celled organisms of ever-increasing complexity. 

As humans, we have certain qualities that make us “evolved”, compared to other forms of life. This mostly consists of our intellect, and our wide emotional capacity. The reason why we have these qualities, is for the purpose of navigating the nuances of highly complex systems of relationship – with ourselves as individuals, with each other as a community, with our environment, with time, etc…

So, we evolve through becoming skilled at finding the point of equilibrium, the point of balance, within relationships. Learning how to achieve balance in our relationships is literally at the precipice of our evolution.

I actually believe that “love” can be understood in the terms of balance. I believe we can take this abstract concept, and understand it mathematically and geometrically.

For example, if you “love” your body, you are actively bringing it into a state of balance. Or, if you are in a genuinely “loving” partnership, there will be a healthy reciprocity and balance between both people.  Another example, you “love” and accept yourself, when you equally embrace all the parts of yourself, creating an internal balance of archetypes. 

So, once again, we evolve through the mastery of relationship. This is the “algorithm” of consciousness. 

The golden being in the center represents the indwelling seed of the Divine that is the spark of consciousness. It propels evolution through recognizing itself in other, and through finding balance within relationship. The 4 circles around the golden being represent the different types of relationship that grow us over the course of our lives. 

The bottom circle represents our relationship with ourselves. How we relate to our bodies, our minds, and our unique psychology. As individuals, we are an entire universe in and of ourselves. And there are so many complex elements and nuances to how we relate to ourselves. 

For me personally, the most important aspect of how we relate to ourselves is how we speak to ourselves when no-one else is around. What we tell ourselves on a daily basis, is the foundation for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. I believe that when we speak positively to ourselves, we are inspired to take genuinely loving care of ourselves.

The left circle represents romantic relationship. It represents those holy and tender moments where we experience ourselves through the eyes of another, as we vulnerably merge our bodies, hearts, and souls. We bear the totality of ourselves to another in a way that is intimate and exposed. No other type of relationship offers this level of depth and vulnerability. Not to mention the ongoing balancing act between the polarities – physically, emotionally and spiritually. This intimate balancing act catalyzes tremendous evolution in our lives. 

The top circle represents family, friends, and the wider community. In the context of family and community, we learn how to be of service. How to provide, nurture, and care for one another. We learn about our unique gifts and attributes, and how we can give these parts of ourselves in a way that enlivens both ourselves and others. In this, we learn of our unique “niche” within the tribe. And we learn through our engagement with others, where every person offers us a unique gift of insight, perspective, and talent. 

The circle to the right represents our relationship to all of Creation. It represents our relationship to nature, to the cosmos, and to our Creator. We have a  very deep and intimate relationship with the sun, the moon, the earth, the waters, and the stars. And as we deepen in our connection to the whole of life, veils become removed from our eyes, and we see everything anew. We learn the depth of our true nature through the realization of our oneness with all of life. We realize that it is impossible for us to be alone, even in the midst of our deepest moments of solitude. 

And most importantly we learn of our oneness with our Creator. 

It is through these four aspects of relationship where we learn to see ourselves in other, through a multiplicity of ways. And thus, it is how we evolve. 

So, I leave you with this question:

In what ways are you being called to step into greater balance within your relationships?

Your answer to this is the precipice of your personal evolution. 

“Stations of The Soul’s Alchemy”

As I find myself undergoing major changes, both internally and externally, I have been reflecting deeply on the process of personal transformation. 

Observing my own life, I see a major cycle closing, and another one beginning. With this, I am realizing more and more the importance of honoring the old, in order to fully embrace the new.

For me, this means setting aside the time to create a sacred space to acknowledge the growth, and the significance of the various relationships and experiences in the cycle that is ending. Acknowledging deeply, that those moments will never come again, and in them – there is a sacredness in the unique gift that each and every experience had to offer. 

And by honoring and acknowledging the value of the previous cycle, I become more rooted in the present, and I become more open to embrace what is to come. 

And of course, there is a grief that comes with letting go. Because to feel the depth of how sculpted we were by our previous experiences – we realize how significant they truly were. And there is a pain in recognizing that those moments will never come again. 

But that pain only reveals the depth of how willing we were to love, and it is that love that molds us into the person that we were always destined to become.

And with this comes the question – how do we face death? 

Whether it be the physical death of a loved one, or the death of a cycle in life… Or even in facing our own mortality.

How do we navigate these mysterious points of transition? 

For me, I want to face death with honor. 

Honor of all that came before, and of all that lies ahead. Honoring that things will no longer be the same. And honoring the unknown, with respect to the larger process that I may not fully understand. 

Recently, part of how I have been holding space for myself and honoring the changes, is making art. 

As I have been reflecting on cycles of my healing, I wanted to create a piece that honors the various stages of my growth.  

With that, I found it cathartic to create this particular piece, honoring the 3 primary stages of my healing:

I. Disassociation

II. Integration

III. Individuation

Each circle represents a different stage in my relationship with myself, of my inner process and growth. 

I. Disassociation

The circle at the bottom depicts the stage of “Disassociation”. This is the point in my life where my psyche was heavily split and fractured. Where I was running away from myself. Where my traumas dictated my behaviors and perceptions. My woundedness was seen as a wretched demon that I sought to escape from – that I felt powerless to. I lacked the tools and resources to confront my own pain, so I projected it onto others and got lost in my addictions. 

In this depiction, the two aspects of myself are facing in the opposite direction. They are depicted running away from each other – indicating an inner schism. Yet, between them, there is a golden being dawning a halo. This represents my Higher Self, the Christed Self, that has remained with me through every aspect of my journey. 

Though the self is split at this stage, there is a Higher Aspect of ourselves that oversees our process. It watches with a compassionate understanding of a Higher Order, honoring this as the first level of maturation in spiritual alchemy. 

And even in those cycles when we are split – the truth is, we were still in Paradise, we just don’t have the vision to perceive it… 

II. Integration

The second circle represents “Integration”. This was the stage in my journey where I began to face myself. Rather than running away from my pain, my trauma, I began to look towards it with greater openness and curiosity. Instead of my woundedness being a demon that I sought to escape from, I began to embrace it as teacher. Instead of being a victim to my suffering, I became an apprentice to it, and it became a valuable source of self-knowledge. 

In this depiction, we see the two aspects of myself now facing each other. They both dawn golden halos, symbolizing the growing awareness of their union with one another. They are depicted nurturing a tree together, symbolizing the seed of hope, as one day this tree will bear fruit.

III. Individuation

The top circle represents “individuation”. This is the stage where I have gleaned enough wisdom and insight from the previous one, to start serving others from a genuinely empowered place. This is where I have been schooled by my pain and shadow enough, to have knowledge to apply towards service. This is the stage where my pain has been transmuted into wisdom. My weakness into strength. My confusion into clarity. My fear into courage. And my grievances into love. 

I am no longer a victim of my pain. I am now empowered by it. 

Rather than two separate beings, we see one whole, unified self. This self is golden, and dawns the same halo of the “Higher Self” from the first circle. This is symbolic of the embodiment of the Higher Self. 

Rather than being unconsciously guided by a Higher organizing wisdom, we become fully conscious of this Higher wisdom, and we operate our lives from it. 

The outstretched arms symbolize empowerment, and the branches symbolize the being’s connection to all of Creation. The budding green leaves symbolize new life and vitality – rebirth. This being now “embodies” the tree that was nurtured in the previous cycle. 

The Sun shinning in the background of all three circles represents the light of perfect love, of Paradise, of Home, that is present through every stage of growth. 

No matter what we go through, we never leave God. It is only in our own perceptions that we think we have left. 

Even in our faults, our missteps, our cycles of running away from ourselves – it is all part of a Higher Order. A Higher Perfection. 

This is because we live in a realm of Alchemy. And it is the alchemical process itself that is perfect, not the finality of it. 

May we learn to see ourselves through the lens of this Higher Order, that we may hold every step of our journey in reverence, honor, and love. 

And may be transition from one cycle into the next with honor, respect, acknowledgement, and love.

The Artist and The Addict

The Artist + The Addict

The other night I had a dream.

In this dream, I saw two parts of myself. They were represented as two different people, though they looked completely identical. In fact they looked like identical twins – brothers. And of course, they both looked exactly like me.

One of them was an addict.

The other – an artist.

In the dream, they had been at odds with each other for a very long time. It was similar to two brothers having a major blow out, and then not speaking for years. There was a definite schism between these “brothers”. Even though they looked like the exact same person, they both seemed to be focused on each other’s differences, and had a very difficult time accepting each other.

As I witnessed them, it appeared that something had re-surfaced between them, and they had arranged a meeting to try to reconcile their differences. They both sat on opposite ends of a long table, as if in some kind of formal meeting room. I found the formality bizarre, given that they felt like siblings.

As they sat across from each other, I could feel years of tension and pent up rage between them. They both just stared at one another directly in the eyes. They sat in silence for some time, as they steeped quietly in the gripping tension of betrayal. The feelings of shame and heartbreak were unspeakable. They just sat there staring at each other, dripping with rejection.

Eventually, something shifted in the tension between them, and I felt a softening. My attention was drawn to the eyes of the artist, and I saw him begin to well up with tears. I could feel that the tension was too heavy for him. The burden of this grudge was too much to carry. I felt him collapse inside. It was as if the knees of his heart had buckled, and a wall came crashing down. The artist was too sensitive. He could feel too much. The tenderness of his heart could no longer hold the weight of this long standing grudge.

The addict, on the other hand, was cold. He was numb. He was frozen in his feelings of rejection towards the artist. He seemed immovable from his position of deep contempt.

As I watched the energy between them, the silent tension finally broke, and the artist began to speak.

With tears in his eyes, and a tenderness in his heart, he said to the addict: “I need you to redeem me.”

As I heard this, I was completely taken aback. I was shocked. “Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” I thought to myself. “Like, shouldn’t the artist be the one to redeem the addict? Why is the artist the one asking for redemption?”

The artist continued to speak:

“I need you for my redemption. I cannot hold the burden of this rejection between us any longer.

I cannot be who I am, without you.

I love you and accept you completely.

You can hold onto your guilt.

You can hold onto your shame.

You can hold onto your betrayal.

You can hold onto your hatred of me as long as you wish.

But I will love you, forever.

And whenever you are ready to reconcile our differences, please know that I am here. And that I will welcome you home.

I am seeking redemption, and I cannot be redeemed without you.”

The addict was totally taken off guard by the artist’s words. They had been at odds with each other for such a long time, the addict had just assumed that things between them would never change. He thought that the schism between them would last forever, and he had gotten somewhat comfortable in his own personal hell. He had built an identity around feeling rejected by the artist.

Now, his whole sense of self was called into question. A door to liberation had been opened for the addict. But the shock of it caught him off guard, and he was frozen in his response.

His eyes were wide open. They looked hollow, almost like two glass marbles. I could feel his tension growing. He was even more tense than he was before, and I could feel him on the precipice of breaking. And eventually something shattered within him, and he broke down and screamed in a juxtaposition between annihilation and liberation.

As his energy was freed, I could feel it merging with the artist.

As the schism between them was mended, I watched as the two polarizing energies began to fuse into one. Now, there were no longer two separate people sitting across from each other at a table.

There was one whole person.

And I was no longer a passive bystander watching this all unfold, for this person came up and looked me directly in the eyes.

And I saw my own face.

I looked deep into my wide blue eyes, as if I was standing on a beach and staring into the vastness of an ocean. And I could see every part of myself.

I saw my passion.

I saw my pain.

I saw the past experiences that had shut me down.

I saw the past experiences that had caused me to bleed. I saw the love that had blossomed with lovers and friends.

I saw the love that was lost, and the grief that had gone unexpressed. I saw those painful moments that had caused me to reject myself.

And then I saw my own love, which offered redemption.

As I stared into my own face, I felt an unconditional acceptance radiating from and for me. It was as if I was staring into the eyes of an angel from the realms beyond, because the love was so deep and unconditional – it was unrecognizable from anything that I had previously known.

And we just stared at each other, without a word being spoken. But, echoing in the corridors of silence that rested between our gaze, I could hear:

“I love you.

I love you.

I love you, forever.”

And then the dream was over.

How To Connect With Inner Guidance

For the past 10 years, my life has been passionately devoted to understanding intuition, which I believe is the language of the soul. 

I have learned to study my inner landscape with great sensitivity, and have oriented my life choices around the inner messages that I receive. I guess you could say that my life has become an experiment in acting upon the guidance that arises from the deepest part of my being. 

And this has required a tremendous amount of faith, especially when the guidance doesn’t make sense to my rational and conditioned mind. 

But despite my lack of rationale, things generally seem to work out in the most miraculous ways if I follow the messages from my soul. So I find tremendous value in following the guidance from within.

At times, I feel a bit like a linguist or a philologist – someone who is uncovering and transcribing a lost or archaic language, in my passion to understand the ways in which our soul communicates to the conscious mind. 

Between learning through trial and error in my own experience, facilitating classes on intuitive development over the past few years, and working with people from all walks of life, I’ll share with you a few things that I have learned about connecting to intuition, and interpreting messages from the soul:

1.) Your soul doesn’t give a fuck (excuse my language) about your conditioning. 

In fact, the messages from your soul (intuition) are often trying to break you out of your conditioning and limiting beliefs. 

This is because your soul wants liberation. 

This being the case, your soul will often strategically put you in life situations where it has the opportunity to challenge your conditioning about who you are and how life works. This is why I often refer to intuition as an “understanding beyond understanding”.

When your soul begins to challenge your conditioning, this is what we often experience as “confusion”.

When you experience so-called “confusion”, your soul is calling you to step into something that challenges your limiting beliefs, and so you experience an inner schism, and might feel inner turmoil or conflict around a situation.

But in reality, there is no confusion. 

There is only the deeper part of you that is challenging the conditioned and limited part of you. 

When you surrender your conditioning to the knowing of the soul, this is what you experience as clarity. As inner knowing. Illumination.

And this is when you begin to allow your choices to reflect the authenticity of your true self. 

So above anything – trust what you know deep down. Because deep down, in your heart of hearts, there is absolutely no confusion or conflict about what is best for you in life. You know, above anything or anyone else.  

So be willing and humble to stretch yourself beyond your conditioning, and connect with what you already know deep down. 

2.) Take time to understand the unique language of your inner world. 

Your inner world constantly flooded with emotions, feelings, thoughts, memories, visions and inner dialogue. When you really pay attention – there’s a lot going on inside of you. 

Most people brush off their inner workings as “mental static” and don’t ascribe much value to it. 

But if you really pay attention to this “mental static”, you will realize that it is filled with valuable information, and is an inner language that is awaiting conscious interpretation. This “static” is often your intuition, attempting to speak to your waking mind. 

As I have helped people get in touch with their intuition over the years, one thing that I have learned, is that every one is unique with how they best receive and interpret inner guidance. 

For example, I am naturally a highly visual person. This is reflected in how I initially receive messages from my intuition, making me very “clairvoyant”. 

For me, my inner world is constantly flooded with abstract colors and images (hence the style of my art), and when I sit with these patterns, they eventually solidify into comprehensible pieces of information. It feels very similar to interpreting a day-dream. 

Someone else might be very body-based, and be very in-tune with the feelings and sensations within their physical vessel. So this person might most effectively receive intuitive information through feelings. They might experience waves of emotion pulsing through their body, accompanied by an inner knowing. 

So, the more body-based person might not be watching colorful patterns in their mind’s eye like I do, but they are receiving just as much information – just in a different way. 

And most of the time, we experience many inner senses at once, working in harmony to relay a message. But at first, most people are typically more dominate in one particular intuitive sense over the others, and understanding your intuitive “strength” will help you connect to the rest of your inner senses more deeply. 

So when it comes to learning the language of the soul – there is a process to understanding one’s inner landscape. 

There is a definite language of the subconscious, of the intuition – of the soul – that seeks conscious interpretation and understanding. 

3.) When in doubt, follow your inspiration. 

The strongest and most prominent way that our soul speaks to us, is through inspiration. 

If you find yourself in confusion, and feel muddled with the messages coming up from your inner world  – stop and ask yourself the question:

“In this moment, what is the most inspiring choice that I can make?”

Sit with that question, and see what shows up. 

Your inspiration is the most direct and obvious line of communication between you and your soul. 

When you feel inspired, you feel a charge of energy moving through your body. You feel impassioned and excited.

Now, the reason why you feel “charged” when you feel inspired, is so that you TAKE ACTION. 

Inspired action is one of the most powerful forces that we have access to, and is how your soul expresses itself in the physical world. 

When I paint from an inspired place, 5 hours will feel like 5 minutes, and a piece that takes “a lot of work and detail” will feel playful, effortless, and fun. 

If you sensitize yourself to what inspires you, and let that lead your way through life, then you will live from a place of being intimately connected with the voice of your soul. 

So to summarize – your soul guides you most directly through what inspires you, while also using the language of your inner world to relay important information and insight. As you allow yourself to be guided by your soul, your conditioning will be challenged. This will cause temporary states of confusion. Clarity will begin to dawn as you surrender your limitations to the deeper knowing of your soul. 

Over the past few years, I have worked with many people, using many different exercises and tools to help them get in touch with their intuition, that they may hear the messages from their inner being. 

With that being said, for those who might be interested in developing a stronger relationship to their inner guidance, I would like to share with you The Intuitive Mentorship Bundle that I am currently offering, which includes: 


*A one-on-one intuitive reading. 

*4 one-on-one intuitive development sessions (for 1 month), focused around helping you connect more deeply to your inner guidance. 

*An information packet that I have compiled after years of both studying and teaching intuitive development, on the mechanics on how intuition works.

*Your choice of a 8×10 art print.


For more information on The Intuitive Mentorship Bundle, click here:

If you are wanting to connect with your guides, strengthen your relationship with your intuition, or just live a more soul-centered life, then this may be something you resonate with. 

As a “guide” I have no interest in telling people how to direct their lives. I have zero authority to do so what-so-ever. 

But something I feel extremely passionate about, is helping people to connect to the guidance within themselves, and THAT can tell them how direct their lives.

I feel like this work is a huge reason why I came here, and is something that fills my heart with passion every day upon waking up.

With the world going through such an big transition right now, I believe that helping people connect to their inner guidance is one of the greatest services that I can offer. 

We are each being called to allow of the intelligence of the soul to guide us through the cycles ahead. 

May we all develop the sensitivity and humility, to be guided by that voice that speaks to us from within.

In love and service, 


Facing the Unknown -Prayer and Contemplations

Externally, I look out upon the vast expanse of desert.

Snow covers the oceans of sagebrush, and grey clouds gently cradle the mountains rolling in the distance. The ambience of the land embodies the spirit of my contemplations, making me feel as if I am nested in the landscape of my own psyche.

And internally – I look towards God, as I face the unknown.

“What is becoming of me?”

I ask myself this often lately. I can feel myself becoming something unrecognizable from the person I once was. And I often go through bouts of having no idea what to do with myself. Or I find myself having moments where I am uncertain of how to respond to new trials and tribulations as they arise. At times, it can feel a little over my head, as I realize that I have reached my capacity of what I am actually capable of taking action on.

But I am grateful for these moments. I am grateful for them, because there is an intelligence that operates behind them. And this intelligence is guiding me, in its own mysterious way:

To give everything back to God.

I spend most of my time alone. With my art. With my writing. And in prayer.

In fact, my aloneness is saturated in prayer. And from the depths of prayer, my inner world is illumined with the warmth of a radiant and profound love. And I feel full. I feel whole. And in that moment of prayer – even if it is literally just for a moment – every hunger and thirst is satisfied, and I feel myself coming home to something that my mind will never understand.

And this is the great gift of uncertainty.

It calls me back to the source of my strength, my wisdom, and my knowing. It calls me to return, with greater humility and conviction.

“God, I give everything back to you. Take every part of me, and everything that I am going through – I return it all back you. Take it, and transmute it into medicine for the healing of others.

In the face of my hardships and confusions, I will hold steadfast in my intention to praise you, to love you, and to be an instrument in your arms.

Nothing will ever take you away from me, nor me from you, because I am joined with you forever.

With this intention, God, guide my way. I am listening.”

And no matter what I may be facing, upon steeping in such a prayer, I feel a passion burning within my heart. And from the silence, I hear the echo of angels singing songs of triumphant praise, even as I stand in the face of the most extreme adversity.

My confusion, my lack of understanding – it shows me my limitation. And this shows me where I am being called to give myself over to that which created me.

I rest in the hands of something that knows much more than I ever will.

And I bow before it, and keep the lines of communication open between us.

And it shows me.

It always provides a way.


But I must listen and be humble, in order to hear what is being called of me.

And from this listening, higher perspectives reveal themselves, and I am shown things through a fresh pair of eyes. My vision and my understanding are cleansed and renewed – they are baptized. But only through my humility, and my openness towards that which knows much more than I do.

So, I find myself returning, time and time again, to this central intention:

To give everything back to God.

And from this intention, there is a direct response. There is a very deep and real level of communication. And I am guided.

And as I allow myself to be guided, I am transfixed. I am transformed. And I am become something new. I become unrecognizable from the person that I once was.

So God, I give thanks for every single adversity that I have ever faced – because it only served to bring me closer to you. And through this process, through this alchemy, I am transfigured.

I am made anew.

So, thank you for my hardships.

Thank you for my pain.

Thank you for my confusion.

Thank you for my doubt.

Thank you for my challenges.

Because it all serves one primary function:

To return me back to you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you, God.


“Always Guided”

So, this is the first piece that I’ve created since my recent move to New Mexico. It took me over a month of being here before I started to get clear on what wanted to come through. 

Aside from everything going on in the world, my personal life has been flipped upside down a few times over this year, to say the least. And to navigate the miasma of uncertainty, I have learned to return to my intuition time and time again. 

That being said, I felt inspired to create a piece that honors the deeper part of myself that has guided me through the ups and downs. 

Over the course of my journey, I have come to learn in a very real way, of the presence of something that is always guiding me. And not just in some hopeful new-age superstitious kind of way, but in a very raw and practical kind of way. I am at the point where almost all of my life decisions are made through my communion and dialogue with this deeper knowing, and I study my inner landscape with great sensitivity as I grow in an understanding beyond understanding. 

As I face uncertainty and doubt, I sit with myself in silence. 

And out from the silence, abstract visions start to emerge with a cacophony of feeling, and elaborate archetypal imagery begins to flood my inner world. From there, I start to hear angelic voices echo from beneath the chambers of my own cyclical thinking, harboring fresh insight, higher perspective, and wisdom. Then, the nebulous abstract imagery eventually solidifies into maps of soul development, as timelines and solutions are revealed. The longer I remain connected to this inner world, the more I feel the presence of a profound iridescent love, unlike anything that I ever known. 

This is the process that I go through as I confront the uncertainties of life. I sensitize myself to the language of the soul. And from there – the soul speaks.

Over the years, I have learned to become diligent with listening to it. If the soul communicates a message, I do my best to obey, knowing that it has my best interest at heart. And I don’t always like the guidance that comes through, because it often challenges my conditioning, or the things I think I want, and it often seeks to disrupt my “comfortable” co-dependent tendencies. But I always do my best ha. 

Through this deep communion and listening, I have developed a relationship with my soul that is similar to that of a holy beloved. A deep intimacy, and a love unlike anything I have ever experienced of this world. And just like an intimate human relationship, it is a constant exercise in building trust, and walking in faith. 

And from acting upon this listening, I have literally witnessed miracle upon miracle unfold within my life. 

Do I understand any of this rationally?


But it has worked for me time and time again. So now, I just go with what works. 

To others, my life choices sometimes seem reckless, or illogical. And I guess they are right, as I am not using logic. I am using something else. And things generally work out better than anything I could have created under my own personal volition. 

So, this piece was created to honor that part of ourselves that is always guiding us. To symbolize the sacredness of that connection. 

The blue being in the center represents us, and our journey of incarnation. As she stands between the trees, she walks a path of initiation. 

Our physical world is represented within the arc, and the blue borders represent the veil between our world and the worlds beyond. 

The golden beings on either side of the central figure represent the guides and angels that walk with us on our journey – and that praise us for the courage that it takes to be human. 

The large golden being with the halo represents our “Higher Self” or our soul. The connection between the central figure and the soul, symbolized by the golden chord, traverses the veil between worlds. 

The large beings on either side of the arc, with trees stemming from their heads represent our intimate connection with the earth, and the people beneath them holding hands symbolize the deeper reality of our union (just beyond the perceptive veil of our physical world). 

I am starting to realize that a type of language is emerging from my art, to communicate archetypal codes of the soul, almost like a of map of reality. 

A lot of it is still a mystery to me – as these symbols and images are bubbling up from the depths of my primordial unconscious soup. I am still getting to know it, really. 

Anyways, thank you for being with me on this incredible journey. What an epic and profound gift it is to be here. 

May we come into greater intimacy with that part of ourselves that is always guiding us, through all the ups and downs of this wild ride.

We are each loved and guided more than we will ever know.

God bless.

“Flowers Bloom From Your Footsteps”

A client recently reached out to me, and requested for me to create a custom piece for her mother, who is currently battling stage 4 lung cancer (please send prayers and love upon reading this). 

The client told me that her mother’s favorite colors were green, yellow/gold, and burgundy, and requested that the “theme” of the piece be centered around courage, as well as her mother’s love of nature. 

From here, I went into meditation and received images, symbols and impressions from the soul of the woman whom this painting was going to. 

As I was communing with her in meditation, she showed me an image of the painting, bursting with beautiful otherworldly greens, golds and yellows, with vibrant garden and forest imagery. It had an ancient Celtic/Pagan type of energy, while feeling celestial at the same time. 

Along with the vision, she communicated through feeling, and she sent me wave after wave of emotion. I felt the depth of this woman’s connection to the earth, along with an innocence, and a tenderness in my heart. I could feel that nature was this woman’s church. No matter what was happening in her life, I could feel her returning, time and time again, to her love of nature, where she felt the most connected to herself. 

I felt a deep love and wisdom from her, and an intuitive knowledge of her union with all of life. I saw her in a garden, with flowers blooming all around her, with insects buzzing, and with the sun shining upon her face. And I felt a deep, unshakable peace within her. 

As I was communing with her soul, she told me that her connection to nature was one of the most important and meaningful aspects of her life, and to meditate upon this as I painted.

I left my mediation, literally in tears, as I basked in the deep and sacred bond that this woman had with the earth. It was as if she gave me a transmission of her love, so I could carry it with me into the creation of her piece. This love was so deep, that it felt inexpressible in human language, and yet I was graced with the opportunity to translate this love into art. 

Then the title “Flowers Bloom From Your Footsteps” came to me right after my meditation, to reflect the nurturing quality of this woman – that she may know that wherever she walks, the world is left more beautiful from her presence. 

The green being in the center of the piece represents this woman’s soul. Her arms are triumphantly outstretched, depicting strength and courage, while the buds and branches stemming from her arms symbolize vitality, new life, and her connection with all of Creation. 

The blue tree with golden leaves, stemming from her halo, represents her deep spiritual connection with the earth, and honors the sacedness that this connection holds in her life. 

The golden beings on either side of her represent her guides and angels that walk with her – that give her inspiration, support, and love, and that speak to her in those quiet, still moments.

The smaller arcs on the right and the left, contain blue beings praising a tree. The trees have colors between their branches, representing stained glass. This symbolizes the natural world as a holy cathedral – a sacred space where she prays, gives thanks, and connects with the Creator.

In the purple panels beneath them, we see beings with golden angels connected to their heads. They represent her ability to see and understand the challenges of life from a higher perspective, that she may transmute adversity into strength and higher wisdom. 

The large tree at the center bottom is depicted in gold, with blue leaves – colors of royalty. This symbolizes the deep and primordial wisdom encoded within the natural world. In other words, it symbolizes nature as a source of higher knowledge. 

At the bottom of the piece, we see a row of golden beings holding hands – this symbolizes the underlying unity that sustains all of Creation.

From this hieroglyphic language bubbling up from my subconscious, blended with the language of color, I created this piece to symbolize the unique attributes of this woman’s soul. To honor her, and the sacredness of her journey. That she may see her own Divinity reflected through this art. And that she may remember the innate holiness of her being, as well as her connection to the earth, and to Great Spirit.

It is my highest honor, to create works of art to symbolize one’s sacredness. 

As I spend hours painting, and focusing on the holiness of another, I come to know my own sacredness more intimately. I become a little more healed, a little more whole, through honoring the wholeness of another. 

And I believe on the deepest level, that this is how reality actually works – what we focus on in another, is what we call forth from within ourselves.

“My Reflection In Your Eyes”

I find my style becoming more symbolically rich, the more it develops and evolves. This piece is teeming with symbolism, and was inspired by a very meaningful moment shared with a loved one. 

The Summer of 2019, my beloved and I camped in Mount Shasta together for about a month, where we stargazed every night around a fire, would stay up until sunrise reading each other our poetry, bathed in the lakes and streams, and immersed ourselves in the magic of the land, and of each other. It was one of the most beautiful and sacred times of my life. 

In one of these moments, she looked into my eyes, and pointed out that she could see her own reflection in the layer of moisture coating them – literally seeing herself in my eyes. I looked back into hers, and could physically see myself staring back. I had never noticed this before when looking into someone’s eyes, and of course, it sparked layers of depth and meaning within me. 

I held that moment as the intention for creating this piece, attempting to symbolize the sacredness of that experience. The two beings in each circle of the Vesica Pisces are reflecting each other, and within the “eye” in the center of the Vesica is a golden being that represents the same Self that looks back at us from behind the eyes of another. 

The trees and branches stemming from the two beings represent our connection to the whole of Creation – the earth, the trees, the stars, the wind, and the waters…

And the circles with various images that border the piece represent the journey of the soul, and the diversity of experiences that we undergo, ultimately leading us into a deeper knowing that it is the same Self staring back when we look into the eyes of another. 

It is one of my highest intentions, to create work that awakens and transmits the energy of this deep archaic knowledge that lives within each and every one of us. And I love blending sacred geometry with hieroglyphic-shamanic style imagery to depict the journey of the soul, with all of its mystery and magic.

“One With All Things”

As my style grows increasingly geometric and complex, I wanted take a step back to explore a design with greater spaciousness and simplicity. So, this piece is the result. Still holding a mandala-like structure, it holds the intention of psychic wholeness and balance. 

I find shamanic-dreamtime imagery bubbling up from within me, perhaps from some memory from a time long ago, of beings merged with trees and landscapes, symbolizing our oneness with the whole of creation. 

My work speaks to me as if it has a soul of its own. It helps me to unlock corridors within the depths of my primordial unconscious, revealing messages from the worlds between. I am becoming increasingly aware of the fact that my work is attempting to communicate our connection to the rest of life. It wants to help remove the veil that humanity has placed over its eyes, that we may deepen in our knowing that everything is imbued with consciousness. We have the ability to communicate with the plants, rocks, the wind and the waters on deep intuitive levels. We share an intelligence with that which organizes galaxies into expression. 

When we connect to this deep inner knowing, we unlock codes within our own being, accessing dormant recesses of creativity as we become flooded with a knowing beyond knowing. We become utilized as an instrument in the arms of the Creator. 

I feel my work wanting to be a voice for the voiceless. A voice for those that speak to us from within the depths of our ancestral memory. A voice for the forests, the trees, the earth, and the stars, and a voice for the knowing of the soul. A voice for what has been long silenced and suppressed. A voice for our memory of Home, which dwells in that sanctuary of inner peace when we recognize ourselves in another. 

My intention is to create work that sparks and nourishes our innermost knowing, that it is not just some dimmed and dormant memory, but something we consciously carry with us into the forefront of our lives.