“Always Guided”

So, this is the first piece that I’ve created since my recent move to New Mexico. It took me over a month of being here before I started to get clear on what wanted to come through. 

Aside from everything going on in the world, my personal life has been flipped upside down a few times over this year, to say the least. And to navigate the miasma of uncertainty, I have learned to return to my intuition time and time again. 

That being said, I felt inspired to create a piece that honors the deeper part of myself that has guided me through the ups and downs. 

Over the course of my journey, I have come to learn in a very real way, of the presence of something that is always guiding me. And not just in some hopeful new-age superstitious kind of way, but in a very raw and practical kind of way. I am at the point where almost all of my life decisions are made through my communion and dialogue with this deeper knowing, and I study my inner landscape with great sensitivity as I grow in an understanding beyond understanding. 

As I face uncertainty and doubt, I sit with myself in silence. 

And out from the silence, abstract visions start to emerge with a cacophony of feeling, and elaborate archetypal imagery begins to flood my inner world. From there, I start to hear angelic voices echo from beneath the chambers of my own cyclical thinking, harboring fresh insight, higher perspective, and wisdom. Then, the nebulous abstract imagery eventually solidifies into maps of soul development, as timelines and solutions are revealed. The longer I remain connected to this inner world, the more I feel the presence of a profound iridescent love, unlike anything that I ever known. 

This is the process that I go through as I confront the uncertainties of life. I sensitize myself to the language of the soul. And from there – the soul speaks.

Over the years, I have learned to become diligent with listening to it. If the soul communicates a message, I do my best to obey, knowing that it has my best interest at heart. And I don’t always like the guidance that comes through, because it often challenges my conditioning, or the things I think I want, and it often seeks to disrupt my “comfortable” co-dependent tendencies. But I always do my best ha. 

Through this deep communion and listening, I have developed a relationship with my soul that is similar to that of a holy beloved. A deep intimacy, and a love unlike anything I have ever experienced of this world. And just like an intimate human relationship, it is a constant exercise in building trust, and walking in faith. 

And from acting upon this listening, I have literally witnessed miracle upon miracle unfold within my life. 

Do I understand any of this rationally?


But it has worked for me time and time again. So now, I just go with what works. 

To others, my life choices sometimes seem reckless, or illogical. And I guess they are right, as I am not using logic. I am using something else. And things generally work out better than anything I could have created under my own personal volition. 

So, this piece was created to honor that part of ourselves that is always guiding us. To symbolize the sacredness of that connection. 

The blue being in the center represents us, and our journey of incarnation. As she stands between the trees, she walks a path of initiation. 

Our physical world is represented within the arc, and the blue borders represent the veil between our world and the worlds beyond. 

The golden beings on either side of the central figure represent the guides and angels that walk with us on our journey – and that praise us for the courage that it takes to be human. 

The large golden being with the halo represents our “Higher Self” or our soul. The connection between the central figure and the soul, symbolized by the golden chord, traverses the veil between worlds. 

The large beings on either side of the arc, with trees stemming from their heads represent our intimate connection with the earth, and the people beneath them holding hands symbolize the deeper reality of our union (just beyond the perceptive veil of our physical world). 

I am starting to realize that a type of language is emerging from my art, to communicate archetypal codes of the soul, almost like a of map of reality. 

A lot of it is still a mystery to me – as these symbols and images are bubbling up from the depths of my primordial unconscious soup. I am still getting to know it, really. 

Anyways, thank you for being with me on this incredible journey. What an epic and profound gift it is to be here. 

May we come into greater intimacy with that part of ourselves that is always guiding us, through all the ups and downs of this wild ride.

We are each loved and guided more than we will ever know.

God bless.