How To Connect With Inner Guidance

For the past 10 years, my life has been passionately devoted to understanding intuition, which I believe is the language of the soul. 

I have learned to study my inner landscape with great sensitivity, and have oriented my life choices around the inner messages that I receive. I guess you could say that my life has become an experiment in acting upon the guidance that arises from the deepest part of my being. 

And this has required a tremendous amount of faith, especially when the guidance doesn’t make sense to my rational and conditioned mind. 

But despite my lack of rationale, things generally seem to work out in the most miraculous ways if I follow the messages from my soul. So I find tremendous value in following the guidance from within.

At times, I feel a bit like a linguist or a philologist – someone who is uncovering and transcribing a lost or archaic language, in my passion to understand the ways in which our soul communicates to the conscious mind. 

Between learning through trial and error in my own experience, facilitating classes on intuitive development over the past few years, and working with people from all walks of life, I’ll share with you a few things that I have learned about connecting to intuition, and interpreting messages from the soul:

1.) Your soul doesn’t give a fuck (excuse my language) about your conditioning. 

In fact, the messages from your soul (intuition) are often trying to break you out of your conditioning and limiting beliefs. 

This is because your soul wants liberation. 

This being the case, your soul will often strategically put you in life situations where it has the opportunity to challenge your conditioning about who you are and how life works. This is why I often refer to intuition as an “understanding beyond understanding”.

When your soul begins to challenge your conditioning, this is what we often experience as “confusion”.

When you experience so-called “confusion”, your soul is calling you to step into something that challenges your limiting beliefs, and so you experience an inner schism, and might feel inner turmoil or conflict around a situation.

But in reality, there is no confusion. 

There is only the deeper part of you that is challenging the conditioned and limited part of you. 

When you surrender your conditioning to the knowing of the soul, this is what you experience as clarity. As inner knowing. Illumination.

And this is when you begin to allow your choices to reflect the authenticity of your true self. 

So above anything – trust what you know deep down. Because deep down, in your heart of hearts, there is absolutely no confusion or conflict about what is best for you in life. You know, above anything or anyone else.  

So be willing and humble to stretch yourself beyond your conditioning, and connect with what you already know deep down. 

2.) Take time to understand the unique language of your inner world. 

Your inner world constantly flooded with emotions, feelings, thoughts, memories, visions and inner dialogue. When you really pay attention – there’s a lot going on inside of you. 

Most people brush off their inner workings as “mental static” and don’t ascribe much value to it. 

But if you really pay attention to this “mental static”, you will realize that it is filled with valuable information, and is an inner language that is awaiting conscious interpretation. This “static” is often your intuition, attempting to speak to your waking mind. 

As I have helped people get in touch with their intuition over the years, one thing that I have learned, is that every one is unique with how they best receive and interpret inner guidance. 

For example, I am naturally a highly visual person. This is reflected in how I initially receive messages from my intuition, making me very “clairvoyant”. 

For me, my inner world is constantly flooded with abstract colors and images (hence the style of my art), and when I sit with these patterns, they eventually solidify into comprehensible pieces of information. It feels very similar to interpreting a day-dream. 

Someone else might be very body-based, and be very in-tune with the feelings and sensations within their physical vessel. So this person might most effectively receive intuitive information through feelings. They might experience waves of emotion pulsing through their body, accompanied by an inner knowing. 

So, the more body-based person might not be watching colorful patterns in their mind’s eye like I do, but they are receiving just as much information – just in a different way. 

And most of the time, we experience many inner senses at once, working in harmony to relay a message. But at first, most people are typically more dominate in one particular intuitive sense over the others, and understanding your intuitive “strength” will help you connect to the rest of your inner senses more deeply. 

So when it comes to learning the language of the soul – there is a process to understanding one’s inner landscape. 

There is a definite language of the subconscious, of the intuition – of the soul – that seeks conscious interpretation and understanding. 

3.) When in doubt, follow your inspiration. 

The strongest and most prominent way that our soul speaks to us, is through inspiration. 

If you find yourself in confusion, and feel muddled with the messages coming up from your inner world  – stop and ask yourself the question:

“In this moment, what is the most inspiring choice that I can make?”

Sit with that question, and see what shows up. 

Your inspiration is the most direct and obvious line of communication between you and your soul. 

When you feel inspired, you feel a charge of energy moving through your body. You feel impassioned and excited.

Now, the reason why you feel “charged” when you feel inspired, is so that you TAKE ACTION. 

Inspired action is one of the most powerful forces that we have access to, and is how your soul expresses itself in the physical world. 

When I paint from an inspired place, 5 hours will feel like 5 minutes, and a piece that takes “a lot of work and detail” will feel playful, effortless, and fun. 

If you sensitize yourself to what inspires you, and let that lead your way through life, then you will live from a place of being intimately connected with the voice of your soul. 

So to summarize – your soul guides you most directly through what inspires you, while also using the language of your inner world to relay important information and insight. As you allow yourself to be guided by your soul, your conditioning will be challenged. This will cause temporary states of confusion. Clarity will begin to dawn as you surrender your limitations to the deeper knowing of your soul. 

Over the past few years, I have worked with many people, using many different exercises and tools to help them get in touch with their intuition, that they may hear the messages from their inner being. 

With that being said, for those who might be interested in developing a stronger relationship to their inner guidance, I would like to share with you The Intuitive Mentorship Bundle that I am currently offering, which includes: 


*A one-on-one intuitive reading. 

*4 one-on-one intuitive development sessions (for 1 month), focused around helping you connect more deeply to your inner guidance. 

*An information packet that I have compiled after years of both studying and teaching intuitive development, on the mechanics on how intuition works.

*Your choice of a 8×10 art print.


For more information on The Intuitive Mentorship Bundle, click here:

If you are wanting to connect with your guides, strengthen your relationship with your intuition, or just live a more soul-centered life, then this may be something you resonate with. 

As a “guide” I have no interest in telling people how to direct their lives. I have zero authority to do so what-so-ever. 

But something I feel extremely passionate about, is helping people to connect to the guidance within themselves, and THAT can tell them how direct their lives.

I feel like this work is a huge reason why I came here, and is something that fills my heart with passion every day upon waking up.

With the world going through such an big transition right now, I believe that helping people connect to their inner guidance is one of the greatest services that I can offer. 

We are each being called to allow of the intelligence of the soul to guide us through the cycles ahead. 

May we all develop the sensitivity and humility, to be guided by that voice that speaks to us from within.

In love and service, 
