“Memories of a Song Long-Forgotten”

Everything we see, we color with something of our own essence. Thus, every perspective is unique, like a snowflake. Our greatest contribution is to share our unique way of seeing the world, so that it may take life beyond ourselves, and live through the hearts and minds of others. All of the great artists and revolutionaries that walked this earth – this is the code they lived by. 

Just as the sun extends itself for the sake of giving life, so too is our nature to extend our essence for the sake of enlivening creation. 

When we express from the rawness of our oceanic depths, there can be no comparison. How could you ever compare something that was designed to be unique? There is only the child-like joy that comes through expressing one’s inner life. Living close to our creative pulse is how we align with the intelligent design of nature, for when we are in touch with our own inner nature, we are in touch with heart of nature herself. 

A unique aspect of how I see the world, has to do with inner sight, or inner seeing. Some people might call this “clairvoyance”. It’s been a major part of my everyday experience – perceiving the subtle and energetic aspects of reality. On a physical level, I see solid objects – people, plants, things, etc. But then it is as if another layer of vision is superimposed upon my physical sight, where I see swirling colors and beautifully elaborate patterns of energy that emanate from physical things. So, I “see” multiple levels of reality simultaneously – from the physical to the energetic. And this isn’t anything “special” – I personally know many people that use inner sight, yet everyone’s experience of it is completely unique. 

My whole life, I have been fascinated by these “visions”, and have yearned to express this rich and intriguing aspect of my inner life. My paintings are a way for me to share this. My style takes on a primitive and child-like quality, as an expression of innocence, of seeing through the eyes of the heart. In my visions, the colors are wildly alive and vivid, more vivid than what I see with my physical eyes. It is as if the colors are bursting with light. So, the vitality of color in my work helps to depict the beaming colors in these visions. And the visions are very musical – always flowing and dancing – thus my work has a certain flowing quality to it. 

There’s an intuitive aspect to these visions as well – because the swirling colors and patterns contain information. They are part of a deeper language. It has been (and still is) a process for me to understand and interpret the energetic language of this inner sight. I’ve used these visions in service to offering readings to people, and to my surprise – there’s often a high degree of relevance to the patterns that swirl and spin in my mind’s eye. 

It is all so fascinating – creativity, inspiration, intuition. Not only do we we inhabit a miracle, but we ARE living miracles. We are blessed to the degree that we bless others with the gift of our unique indwelling essence.