A Deeper Language

The metallic vibrancy of blue hues illuminate the deep movements of the ocean. The sun, the glorious star of the Earth, the Christ of nature, makes its descent. In this moment, I watch beauty, masking itself as a falling sun. It announces its departure through an orchestra of color in the sky. As it falls, it carries with it our vision, our warmth, and our human activity. It ushers in a tranquil apocalypse. The heavens and the sea merge at the horizon line – the very point where my eyes meet their limitation.

The whole of nature responds to this occasion. The birds gather and sing. The wind caresses our skin. The color of day says “good-bye” through a grand expression in its final hour. The light turns to gold upon the dried grasses. The kingdoms in the sky are blended gracefully with a myriad of hues. The trees and flowers erupt with vibrancy right before they fade into silhouettes.

It is as if the world itself is our lover, and as it leaves us for the evening, it must passionately display it’s love, its longing for us, and its promise of return through an emphatic expression of beauty. And then upon its return, we are met with the expression of this great love once again.

As the soul grows and develops, it becomes sensitive to a deeper language. We notice that the outer world leaves us with an inner impression. These inner impressions are points of connection. They lead us to a language beyond our superficial human culture. With these impressions, we enter into the mysterious language of nature, the angels, and of the soul. Eventually, we begin to see beyond the physical eyes. We hear beyond the physical ears. We feel beyond the physical body. We understand beyond our rationale.

In the development of this inner sense, the spiritual realm becomes more palpable, we access higher avenues of knowledge, and we close the gap between ourselves and the rest of life. We become rooted in our connection to everything. We become less hypnotized by the physical, and more concerned with the soul imbued within it. Our priorities shift, our relationships deepen, and we sensitize ourselves to the treasures that dwell within us.