Intimate Relationships: Our Mirrors into the Soul

The quality of our intimate relationship will reflect back to us either the alignment, or the misalignment, that we have with ourselves, and with our soul. 

Our Higher Intuitive Self speaks to us through an elaborate language of mirroring and reflection, where we see our inner life reflected back to us continuously through the interplay of archetypes that dance within the circus of our lives. 

Now, I’m not trying to say that if we have a challenging relationship, that means that we are fundamentally misaligned, because we will ALL, inevitably, have challenging relationships to catalyze growth at various points in our lives. 

But what I am saying is that there is a sacred mirror that is constantly reflecting us, and it serves our growth to be aware of the inner mysteries of our relationship, so that we can clearly decipher the language of the soul that is constantly speaking to us.

If we are one with our Creator, then that means that nothing that we experience is untouched by this immaculate intelligence, and thus we must honor our intimate relationship as the hand of God within our lives. 

To understand the inner mysteries of our relationship, we are called to stretch our perspective to make contact with this Greater Intelligence, and to leave behind the familiar shores of our conditioning and egoic desires, and to be humble enough to allow something greater than all of our limited perceptions to guide and inform the way we relate with another. And of course (speaking from my own experience) this is much easier said than done, especially when our hearts are on the line. 

We must understand that there is a Higher Intelligence working through both people to foster awareness and growth. 

And to have great faith in the process that is unfolding between two hearts and souls (while also having the discernment to walk away if something isn’t healthy).

As we cross this threshold into deeper trust, we meet both our shadow and our light. 

We are inexplicably drawn to the light of another’s essence. 

We are drawn to all the beauty, brilliance, warmth, and echoes of God’s love that are reflected within the windows of their eyes, and the comforting fabric of their touch. We are reminded of Home within the rapturous sweeping ecstasy of primordial union.

And like moths to a flame, we are drawn to the silence of their ancestors’ suffering that is held within their body, and all of their voiceless voices that yearn to be heard and expressed, that we might actually hear them and play some role in helping them to be set free. 

Or in many cases, we may not have the capacity to hear them.

Their ancestor’s cries, echoing through their nervous system, may fall on deaf ears if we are not attuned.  

But maybe we still play our part in helping to remove some internal veil, so that the other person may hear those voices within themselves more directly.

Either way, they are drawn closer to themselves. 

And of course, they do the same for us. 

And one way or another, we are drawn closer to ourselves, through them. 

And this is the point of all of it. 

That we may be drawn ever closer to our Center. 

That we may be drawn ever closer to God. 

And that we may meet the spectrum of our own light and shadow within the mirror of another’s gaze, that we may learn to accept, integrate, and love every single part of ourselves through what we see in them. 

The darkness, and the light. 

That we may unify our polarities, reflected in the ancient ritual of the masculine and feminine coming together as a doorway into new life.

Can we stretch our hearts wide enough to love someone in their entirety? 

And can we stretch our hearts wide enough to love ourselves in our entirety? 

And this is how relationships stretch our love to become more God-like. 

Because any spaces within our being that have not been touched by the light of love and acceptance will surface in our relationship as imbalances. 

That is why the quality of our relationship will reflect back to us either the alignment, or the misalignment, that we have with ourselves, and with our soul. 

Because within us there are dormant gifts that we may have disowned, light that has been cast into shadow, and genius that was suppressed under the deafening silence shouldered by our ancestors. 

And our relationship will show us those hidden and locked away spaces within ourselves where we have compartmentalized our Divinity, have tried to draw lines around the Infinite, and put Eternity into a box. Our relationship will show us where we’ve tried to mold ourselves into something that we were never meant to be, either directly or indirectly. 

This does not mean to be boundary-less. 

But, where are certain ideas of yourself not meeting the shape of your True Self?

In the healthiest relationships, each person will always encourage the other to foster their own personal alignment with their soul. With their calling. With their purpose. And with God.

And this prioritization of alignment builds a strong foundation for the relationship to be rooted in something greater, beyond what each “ego” might think it wants out of the relationship.

Ultimately, a healthy relationship will always nurture both parties’ alignment and connection to God. 

But in order for this structure to function properly, both people must be devoted to their own individual alignment, and sense of purpose, and be in-tune with themselves enough to read the signaling coming through their intuitive sense around what is in alignment for them and what is not. 

So each person must be devoted to their own alignment, first and foremost, and then they must develop the sensitivity to be able to hear the voice of their True Self speaking to them from within the innermost dimensions of their own heart and soul. 

This is why the relationship will ultimately draw one closer to oneself, because of what it requires of one to develop a deep level of sensitivity and attunement to one’s own essence and unique soul texture.

And this is why sensitizing ourselves to hearing the voice of the soul, and the voice of God, through our intuitive facilities, is of utmost importance when it comes to building healthy and truly loving and aligned relationships.

Because without the willingness for each person to be attuned to the voice of their soul, and ultimately to God, the relationship becomes rudderless. Or it becomes another labyrinth for our egos to get lost in. 

So, God must be at the center of the relationship, just as God must be at the center of our lives. 

And of course, we will ALL inevitability fall short at times. Because we are human. 

And God is God. 

And God becomes human in us. 

Or maybe we become human in God. 

Either way, we will perpetually be learning what it means to offer grace to our human fallibilities. 

And in this, we learn what it means to love without conditions. 

And maybe, it’s far too much to put the immensity of that type of expectation upon any other human being – to love us as God loves us. In fact, if we do, they become a false ideal, and they will inevitably let us down.

And maybe within a functional relationship, we DO need certain conditions and boundaries for the seed of love to grow in a healthy way.

But deep within the recesses of our own soul, despite any condition, we learn what it means to love as God loves. 

And maybe, just maybe, this is the ultimate mystery that is encoded within the alchemy of our relationship. 

And maybe this is what every facet of our entire evolution is predicated on.

We learn to love as God loves, with a perfect balance of unconditionality and wisdom. 

And this is how we come to know of our Oneness with our Creator. 

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