The Body’s Eyes Do Not Actually See.

The body’s eyes do not actually see.

And the body’s ears do not actually hear.

Working as a professional intuitive, I will tell you that I see much more into a person with my eyes closed, and my gaze turned inward, than I do fixated on their physical image.

In fact, their physical image is extremely limiting, and can often be distracting and misleading, eclipsing me from sensing into the deeper reality of their soul. When I attune my senses away from the external, and focus upon the internal, I perceive the deeper layers of a person, seeing them much more honestly and authentically, rather than pigeon-holing them into shallow judgements based off of socially-conditioned objectification.

And I will tell you – there is an inner vision that will allow you to perceive much more clearly than your physical eyes ever will.

If you knew how incredibly limiting your physical sight was, compared to the inner vision that you have access to, you would realize how hypnotized we have been as a culture, into seeing one-another through an unbelievably shallow and one-dimensional bandwidth of perception. With my gaze turned inward, I see into the innermost secrets of another’s heart.

I see the silent pain that they carry, and the hidden burdens that remain unexpressed. I see through layers of conditioning and trauma, into the deeper patterning and motivations underlying their choices. I see the profound love and inspiration that yearns to overflow from the primordial wellspring of their essence. And I see the purity of an innocence that shines with the radiance of a million suns.

And that innocence is the most beautiful thing that I have ever bore witness to. And it is unlike anything of this world.

These are the inner dimensions of a person that could never be revealed through the body’s eyes alone.

So, it absolutely astonishes me, that we have been so conditioned to perceive each other as such faded and shallow caricatures of what we actually are. Being so fixated on external image, we limit ourselves and each other to what we are not, overly identifying with the shallow biological “needs” of the body. And with this, we overlook and ignore the more authentic reality of the soul.

And then we build relationships upon these shallow and limited perceptions of each other.

Prioritizing the body over the soul, the image over the content – the ego over God, we attempt to erect cathedrals out of dust, and then we wonder why our lives feel so unstable, conflicted, shallow and broken. We wonder why our relationships fail time and time again.

We think it’s because we just haven’t found the “right” person yet.


Let me save you some time.

It’s not about finding the “right” person.

It’s about putting priorities in their proper order. It’s about prioritizing the soul over the body, the content over the image, and God over the ego.

The priorities of this world have been completely inverted, which is why this realm is so chaotic. And the inversions have been normalized through conditioning, trauma, media, and addiction.

Do you think you could prioritize anything before God, and truly be at peace?

Once again, the body’s eyes do not actually see. And the body’s ears do not actually hear.

Loosen your grip on the hypnotic trance of the external world, and gently shift your awareness inward, and look upon the shining landscapes of the soul’s reality. Of God’s reality.

And prioritize the beauty of the soul before anything else.

Do this, and watch you, and your life, transform. Because miracles are real. And magic is real.

And it starts with placing value, where true value actually abides.

One Reply to “The Body’s Eyes Do Not Actually See.”

  1. Michael, this writing is so powerful and profound, it has shifted me. Thank you for this writing and the guidance. So much love your way… looking forward to working with you 2022.

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