
Welcome To The Blossoming Self!

Magic is Real.

  • "Forever In Praise"
*Interested in having Michael Francis Lott as a speaker, or workshop facilitator?
Email: MichaelFrancisLott@gmail.com
Interested in booking a reading with Michael? Learn more about his sessions here: https://theblossomingself.com/services/
Interested in strengthening your connection to your inner guidance? Check out check out Michael’s Intuitive Mentorship Bundle here: https://theblossomingself.com/services/


Michael Francis Lott is an artist and channel who creates paintings as a way of visually portraying what comes through him as an intuitive.

As a channel, Michael works with people from all walks of life as an intuitive reader, helping them to understand the architecture of their unique soul’s blueprint. He also works as an intuitive development mentor by supporting others in decoding the mysterious language of their inner voice. 

As an artist, Michael creates sacred artwork to visually convey the information that comes through him as an intuitive channel. His art symbolically portrays universal processes of growth, alchemy, and transformation, and he intends for his art to be used as a vehicle for people to deepen their relationship with Source (God, Spirit, Creator). 

Michael is here to serve as an intuitive reader, mentor, and educator, as well as an artistic voice in helping others to understand their connection to the Greater Universal Intelligence that works through the miraculous unfolding of their lives.


Michael’s artwork is influenced by many lineages of sacred and archaic artwork from around the world – from the mandalas of Tibetan Buddhism, to the stained-glass of Medieval Christianity, to the sand-paintings of the Navajo Indigenous traditions, to the ancient Aboriginal rock art, and even to the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Michael blends his passion for ancient and sacred art with his own clairvoyant and channeling abilities to create his unique style of intuitive painting.

Michael’s work is created using acrylic brush and acrylic pen on canvas.

*MICHAEL IS CURRENTLY TAKING COMMISSIONS! Please email MichaelFrancisLott@gmail.com if you are interested.

“I paint with the intention to inspire, to heal, and to connect us to the realms of magic that often go unseen.

My work has been referred to as ‘Hieroglyphs of The Heart’. It expresses something that is both primordial and child-like, while remaining sophisticated, created with deep sensitivity and intention. I see my work as a form of prayer, as a meditation. Creating it has been a way for me to access a reservoir of inner wisdom – it takes me into a state that is almost shamanic, and opens me to imaginal worlds of magic and beauty.

Initially, I started painting to depict my experience of synesthesia – a genetic neurological phenomena where my senses overlap, and I experience sound and music visually as an interweaving dance of colors and patterns. In college, I majored in classical music, and I always wanted to express the way I experienced music visually. So my first attempts at painting were inspired by my synesthesia.

As I got more involved with painting, my inspiration grew beyond just depicting my visual experience of music. Apart from my synesthia, I began getting flooded with elaborate dreams and visions of colorful and symbolic works of art. Before I knew it, my inner life was rich with abstract shapes, vibrant colors and pulsing energies that seemed to be teeming with meaning beyond what I could rationally understand. My work quickly became a way for me to connect with the language of my intuition. I began to see it as a bridge between my conscious and unconscious mind.

Over the years, I have incorporated more Earth-based themes into my work as my relationship with nature deepens. My style has developed into something whimsical, yet tribal and magical. I believe that there is magic operating through the kingdoms of the Earth, and I feel passionate about restoring our connection to the love and wisdom that sustain it.

Behind each piece, there is a story. There is an intention. There is a prayer. My pieces are created to heal, through helping us bridge our inner and outer worlds for a greater sense of wholeness. Psychologist Carl Jung stated that the purpose of one’s life was to connect with one’s inner self, and to express it openly in the world. It is my intention that my work helps to spark that connection with one’s inner being, that it may be a signpost along the journey of self-discovery.

This work has been profoundly healing for me to create. I know if it has been healing for me, then it will be healing for others as well.

My work is created with acrylic paint (brush and pen) on canvas.”

– Michael Francis Lott


If you are interested in booking a session, please email: MichaelFrancisLott@gmail.com with “Session” as the subject.

You may be interested in The Intuitive Mentorship Bundle if…

  • Have always felt that you are intuitive, but are desiring practice and support to help you own your intuitive gifts
  • Want to communicate more directly with your Spirit Guides/Angels
  • Want to get better at receiving messages and guidance from your Higher Self/Soul
  • Want to use your intuition to unlock deeper avenues of artistic creativity and insight
  • Want to align more courageously with your Soul’s unique purpose and destiny
  • You are interested in developing your intuitive abilities to serve others in doing readings of any other kind of work as a practitioner

In this bundle, there are 4 intuitive mentorship sessions (90 minutes each) over the course of 1 month, where the focus is placed upon helping you connect with your own inner guidance. Through years of experience teaching classes on intuitive development, Michael has a plethora of exercises and knowledge to help you cultivate a deeper relationship with your soul’s unique intuitive language.

For your reference, this bundle also includes an information packet that Michael has compiled upon years of both studying and teaching intuitive development. This information packet outlines: the various intuitive senses and how they work, how to tell the difference between intuitive and non-intuitive information, and practices to work with to help you receive valuable guidance from your soul.

And as an extra gift, you will receive an 10in x 10in art print of Michael’s art (your choice of what piece!)

Interested in The Intuitive Mentorship Bundle?

To book, email MichaelFrancisLott@gmail.com and put “Intuitive Development” as the subject.

And For Those That Want To Go Deeper…

*NEW* The Intuitive Development Lifestyle Container, for those looking to go deeper with their intuitive development studies.

Michael is an intuitive reader and guide, using a range of abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance to connect with the Higher Self of each client in order to shed light on specific themes of growth. Michael also has the ability to tune into the soul-blueprint of each client to help them to understand their soul’s gifts, as well their struggles, within the context of the larger plan of their soul’s journey. Michael’s sessions have been known for being deeply transformative and healing, while remaining relevant, grounded, and practical. Michael offers both intuitive readings, as well as on-going counseling and mentorship sessions. He does his sessions both in person, and via Zoom.

Intuitive Readings

In the intuitive readings, Michael connects with your guides and your Higher Self and receives a download of information regarding your soul’s path, where major themes of growth become highlighted and addressed. The readings function as a complete life overview, where several different areas of life, from career, to relationships, to life purpose, to soul themes are addressed. Current situations, relationships, and circumstances will be explored, as well as the deeper patterning underlying your healing journey.

Readings generally last about 90 minutes to 2 hours.

Weekly Intuitive Counseling and Mentorship

In the on-going counseling sessions, Michael meets with you weekly to offer spiritual reflection, as well as a safe space to process and be heard. As an empathic guide and mentor, he listens deeply, and offers valuable feedback and support for wherever you are in your healing journey. These sessions are intuitively guided, and are tailored to fit the specific needs of each client. The primary intention of the weekly meeting is to help connect you to your own inner intuitive voice, so that you may be guided from within.

If you are interested in booking a session, please email: MichaelFrancisLott@gmail.com with “Session” as the subject.



With my tired and weathered face pressed against the moist jungled earth, I lay there, unable to walk. 

With my tired and weathered face pressed against the moist jungled earth, I lay there, unable to walk.  My sense of self obliterated into millions of tiny pieces.  Each little shard of self, like tiny grains of sand upon a vast coastline, each became their own universe that I seemed to be zipping in and …